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A3PS operates as non-profit association and offers its members a broad portfolio of services and activities which are funded by the A3PS members and BMK.

  • creation of concerted technology roadmaps and position papers
  • technology foresight and assessment
  • analysis of international R&D strategies
  • advisory service for members and the BMK
  • organization of a yearly international conference
  • organization of internal workshops
  • issue of a subject-specific newsletter
  • stimulation of research projects
  • studies, publications and articles
  • representation of members in international/European projects
  • excursions to international technology sites and potential partners
  • coordination of cluster initiatives (for example FCH Cluster Austria)
  • marketing for Austrian technology competence


The A3PS Roadmap Austrian Roadmap for Sustainable Mobility – a long-term perspective represents Austria’s well-founded expertise in the broad field of advanced vehicle technologies and energy carriers. It provides a comprehensive perspective on future vehicle technology trends and required R&D activities in a time period until 2030 and beyond. 

check out Roadmaps

Position Papers

The present A3PS position paper "R&D Challenges 2024+" summarizes envisaged developments and trends, as well as priorities of the industrial and scientific A3PS members, providing an overview on the R&D challenges in the coming years and the necessary R&D activities to strengthen Austria as a business location.

Position Papers

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